About Us

Transcend Bookkeeping & Finance was founded in 2019. With 14 years of experience working with over 100 small businesses across the US, Thomas had a vision to connect the numerous small and medium businesses in need of next level bookkeeping and controller services with skilled, ambitious bookkeepers with an appetite for professional growth.

Through an environment of teamwork and collaborative learning he saw an opportunity to provide exceptional service while providing bookkeepers with a track to becoming controllers.

Our Team & Clients

At Transcend we take great care of our employees and allow for cushioned client-time allocations to ensure ample capacity for delivery quality. We have an internal training process to expose and prepare our employees for controller level service.

In turn, we are able to deliver an involved customer experience, a premium service with exceptional, relentless standards. The result? Happy clients. We enjoy full customer retention, happy employees – no one has left voluntarily, and steady organic growth.

We are careful to select the right customers with the right fit, taking pride in our service and seeking long-term, intimate, meaningful connections and relationships.

Take the leap and let us help Transcend your business!